#: locale=en ## Tour ### Description tour.description = WW2 Anti Aircraft Battery in Old Woking ### Title tour.name = Old Woking Anti Aircraft Battery ## Skin ### Button Button_03D37B27_0C7A_63B3_41A1_89572D8C8762.label = INFORMATION Button_03D37B27_0C7A_63B3_41A1_89572D8C8762_mobile.label = INFO Button_0DECFFED_12FA_D26D_419B_F907711405D7.label = BOOK NOW Button_18126A3F_1663_8BEF_41A4_B0EDA1A5F4E3.label = BOOK NOW Button_18126A3F_1663_8BEF_41A4_B0EDA1A5F4E3_mobile.label = BOOK NOW Button_1CA392FC_0C0A_2295_41A3_18DEA65FB6AD.label = LOCATION Button_1CA392FC_0C0A_2295_41A3_18DEA65FB6AD_mobile.label = LOCATION Button_1EBF3282_0C0A_1D6D_4190_52FC7F8C00A5.label = PHOTOALBUM Button_1EBF3282_0C0A_1D6D_4190_52FC7F8C00A5_mobile.label = PHOTOS Button_1FDDCF4A_0C0A_23FD_417A_1C14E098FDFD.label = PANORAMA LIST Button_1FDDCF4A_0C0A_23FD_417A_1C14E098FDFD_mobile.label = PANORAMAS Button_1FE4B611_0C0A_256F_418E_EA27E66F8360.label = FLOORPLAN Button_1FE4B611_0C0A_256F_418E_EA27E66F8360_mobile.label = FLOORPLAN ### Multiline Text HTMLText_04FFBC2C_1216_7593_41A4_E1B06B145F04.html =
Official records for 1942 state that the battery was equipped with 4 X 3.7" mobile anti aircraft guns operated by 344 battery of 109 HAA regiment.

Mobile guns were not permanently emplaced with a holdfast but were on wheels and axles and were the anti aircraft equipment of the field army. All the equipment could have been removed from the site within 30 minutes. There was no radar at this site.

This regiment later landed in France on D Day as part of 30 Corps and fought to Germany
There were six HAA gun sites in the Brooklands GDA of which three sites never had any guns emplaced.

(History from subterranea Britannica)
(photo By War Office official photographer - This is photograph H 993 from the collections of the Imperial War Museums.)
HTMLText_04FFCC2C_1216_7593_41A3_D345BDE131A2.html =
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The Old Woking Heavy Anti Aircraft Battery (BM5) seriving the Brooklands Gun Defended Area (GDA) was located between Broadmead Road and the River Wey at Old Woking.

.The only surviving structure, located alongside a footpath is the battery command post which is in good condition. The gun pits in the adjacent field have all been filled in and there is no trace of any other buildings.

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The Old Woking Heavy Anti Aircraft Battery (BM5) seriving the Brooklands Gun Defended Area (GDA) was located between Broadmead Road and the River Wey at Old Woking.

.The only surviving structure, located alongside a footpath is the battery command post which is in good condition. The gun pits in the adjacent field have all been filled in and there is no trace of any other buildings.

Official records for 1942 state that the battery was equipped with 4 X 3.7" mobile anti aircraft guns operated by 344 battery of 109 HAA regiment.

Mobile guns were not permanently emplaced with a holdfast but were on wheels and axles and were the anti aircraft equipment of the field army. All the equipment could have been removed from the site within 30 minutes. There was no radar at this site.

This regiment later landed in France on D Day as part of 30 Corps and fought to Germany
There were six HAA gun sites in the Brooklands GDA of which three sites never had any guns emplaced.

(History from subterranea Britannica)
(photo By War Office official photographer - This is photograph H 993 from the collections of the Imperial War Museums.)
HTMLText_0DECCFED_12FA_D26D_418B_9646D02C4859.html =
Mauris aliquet neque quis libero consequat vestibulum. Donec lacinia consequat dolor viverra sagittis. Praesent consequat porttitor risus, eu condimentum nunc. Proin et velit ac sapien luctus efficitur egestas ac augue. Nunc dictum, augue eget eleifend interdum, quam libero imperdiet lectus, vel scelerisque turpis lectus vel ligula. Duis a porta sem. Maecenas sollicitudin nunc id risus fringilla, a pharetra orci iaculis. Aliquam turpis ligula, tincidunt sit amet consequat ac, imperdiet non dolor.

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The building is located near Old Woking just off the A247. It is accessed footpath 49 between Broadmead Road and River Wey. The nearest parking is in Old Woking.

Footpath 49, Send, Woking GU23 7AB

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The building is located near Old Woking just off the A247. It is accessed footpath 49 between Broadmead Road and River Wey. The nearest parking is in Old Woking.

Footpath 49, Send, Woking GU23 7AB

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### Label Label_0A5C65D9_16A5_98B3_41B4_573FE3033A1F.text = OLD WOKING Label_0A5C65D9_16A5_98B3_41B4_573FE3033A1F_mobile.text = OLD WOKING Label_0B130419_16A3_7FB3_41A4_E5F9FA0AC39B.text = Heavy Anti Aircraft Battery Label_0B130419_16A3_7FB3_41A4_E5F9FA0AC39B_mobile.text = Heavy Anti Aircraft Battery Label_2831B5C8_0A4C_BD04_41A1_1A62A72E0F30.text = {{title}} Label_33956A78_0A47_5704_4188_48A1EC4A0100.text = {{title}} ## Media ### Title album_31976533_0A4C_BD05_41A1_87F5F646F136.label = Aerial Images album_31976533_0A4C_BD05_41A1_87F5F646F136_0.label = Building view album_31976533_0A4C_BD05_41A1_87F5F646F136_1.label = DJI_0744 album_31976533_0A4C_BD05_41A1_87F5F646F136_2.label = markings album_31976533_0A4C_BD05_41A1_87F5F646F136_3.label = markings album_31976533_0A4C_BD05_41A1_87F5F646F136_4.label = Area view album_31976533_0A4C_BD05_41A1_87F5F646F136_5.label = Building view album_31976533_0A4C_BD05_41A1_87F5F646F136_6.label = Gun Positions album_31976533_0A4C_BD05_41A1_87F5F646F136_7.label = Top down map_27435998_0BC7_5503_41A2_825B9B825ABD.label = Woking-HAA-plan panorama_00082326_0A47_D50F_4179_D14F16317E67.label = Office from Height finder panorama_000826FF_0A45_7CFD_419B_EE4E35C51D3E.label = Predictor panorama_00083198_0A44_F503_419C_8D0EFA5D3713.label = Plotting Room panorama_000883BF_0A45_557C_41A3_E39FB0AAAF0F.label = Room 1 panorama_00088705_0A44_BD0D_4191_4C4D94070F76.label = View from NE panorama_00088D38_0A47_4D02_4174_A78D86E8D518.label = View from NW panorama_0008903F_0A45_D37D_4171_15B11F7F0C50.label = Roof-Height Finder panorama_000913EA_0A7B_B507_417B_E13C18D23E39.label = View from SE panorama_0009A9B0_0A44_D503_41A3_22BB85FBCD0F.label = Room 2 panorama_0009BF09_0A7B_4D05_4199_5A6FB7E22766.label = View from South panorama_0009CFBF_0A45_CD7D_4184_11BA6F9FB510.label = View from North panorama_000BCABA_0A47_5706_4180_3C0FDA5DF8A4.label = Office from Predictor panorama_000EFAAB_0A7C_B705_41A0_872338B50B75.label = Stairs to Plotting Room panorama_000F5B0F_0A7D_551D_419E_CB0939BA04E1.label = View from SW panorama_000FC3CC_0A7D_F503_4199_5D16E23AE141.label = Telephone Room panorama_001CC0A8_0A4B_5303_41A3_5601203DB98E.label = View from East panorama_009487BF_0A4B_DD7E_418E_F0D4D51FB6ED.label = Aerial view ## Action ### URL LinkBehaviour_078A8995_0A45_550D_41A3_E5191332CCE6.source = http://www.loremipsum.com LinkBehaviour_07BC5928_0A45_5503_419A_F854F888E4EF.source = http://www.loremipsum.com LinkBehaviour_07BC892A_0A45_5507_4190_592407C24D17.source = http://www.loremipsum.com